Giuliana Silvestrini Open Studio

Rome Art Week25-30 October 2022

Giuliana SilvestriniRebirthPhoto by Rossana CassolettiGuido Targetti video editing

Inauguration 25 October 2022 at 18.00

Space The LaboratoryVia del Moro 49 - Rome

On 25 October 2022, as part of the seventh edition of Rome Art Week, the exhibition Re-birth of Giuliana Silvestrini will be inaugurated by Gloria Zarletti.

“With“ Re-birth ”, Giuliana Silvestrini continues the personal and artistic experience that has always praised her life in all the many aspects of her. The exhibition consists of a video by Guido Targetti, from photos by Rossana Cassoletti (, paintings and an installation composed of vine branches and terracotta sculptures, made with the primitive method, covered with gold leaf and bitumen. The processing of the material has always fascinated the artist who here, especially in the sculptures small enough to fit in the palm of a hand, finds its artistic purpose not only in the object made but also in the manufacturing process, in the contact and in the kneading with bare hands. And so is the whole story, the one that unravels from these figurines, because in the raw material, in the bitumen, the sign of all eras is imprinted: from the simplest form of life to the most sophisticated, recalled by gold leaves.

The leitmotif of the entire exhibition is the symbolically crouched human figure: image of the fetus in the womb, of the resilience of the individual with respect to the drama of existence and the brutality of some events, of his loneliness but also of his fusion with the nature as of its awareness of being part of it. In the video, these human figures folded in on themselves become images of pulsating life thanks to the sound of the sea that acts as the soundtrack to the whole narrative and is an integral part of it.

In paying tribute to Giuliana Silvestrini her recognition for the work "Re-birth", the Jury of the Parisi Prize wrote that, in describing the precarious condition of being on Earth, "highlights the close relationship between Human Being and Nature , reminding us of the always current Latin maxim, Natura sanat, Nature cares ". The artist, in fact, has always loved to represent her bond with nature but this time the message becomes more and more essential and direct, thin. Silvestrini wants to demonstrate that she has increasingly clear the meaning of existence, which begins with birth but continues with formation, indeed with a spiritual and material transformation, becomes a transit from one era to another, from one situation to another. other. Thus, from the arrival on earth, we reach death and then we head towards another life. And all this path is, in fact, a continuous, new birth: a "Re-birth". (Gloria Zarletti)


Rome Art Week25-30 October 2022Giuliana SilvestriniRebirthPhoto by Rossana CassolettiGuido Targetti video editing

Inauguration 25 October 2022 at 18.00Space The LaboratoryVia del Moro 49 - RomeUntil 30 October 2022Hours: every day from 14.00 to 20.00


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