Art and machines between fascination and rejection. Prologue to the work of S. Ungheri

The conference on humanized machines in 20th century contemporary art.

Art and machines between fascination and rejection. Prologue to the work of Saverio Ungheri, by ANDREINA CIUFO.

The conference explores the reasons that moved the artists of the twentieth century to measure themselves against the civilization of machines, with a diversity of approach oscillating between enthusiasm, critical acceptance or rejection and with strong repercussions on instruments and expressive methods.

From Futurists to Munari, From Tinguely to César, a virtual journey between humanized, “useless”, self-destructive machines, and mechanical wrecks resurrected to a new life by the sublimating power of art. Few and summarizing notes on a field of research that is far from complete, to which Saverio Ungheri has added his own, very personal contribution.

Following guided tour of the basement of Palazzo Venier with the contemporary art works of Saverio Ungheri and in the frescoed room “Energy, Tiempo y Conciencia.

Free Entrance (with Green pass)


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