The humanistic photography of Carlo Traini

Otto Gallery presents Carlo Traini in conversation with Loredana De Pace

On 29 October at 7 pm Otto Gallery will host the italian photographer Carlo Traini in his virtual lounge of Thursdays. He and his curator Loredana De Pace, will talk about the unique and counter-current way of conceiving the photography of this author. His way of photographing is not the result of a reasoned project, but it is a continuous flow, Carlo Traini is an "humanist photographer”. He shoots only with his mobile phone, all the time, while talking on the phone during his interminable car trips that he takes daily for work. He photographs indiscriminately in color and in black and white.

FiumeCarlo, as his curator nicknamed him, knows how to patiently observe (he does it constantly) and this allows him to grasp human pathos in the broadest and deepest sense of the term. Carlo Traini's inspiration is all about human care, aimed at the complexity of which human nature is made of. He takes his picture to fix the value of memory on imperceptible things, to survive the indifference of time that smooths out every emotion. During the evening we will talk about his most recent projects, Promenade, Cellophane and some other one.



Born in 1964, I was first attracted by the Arts during military service; an attraction later developed into a curious fascination for painting and photography only after 1985. Though that first creative impulse revealed itself to be shortlived - just a few years later, in 1997, I would stop taking photos altogether with my old camera, I still managed to bring forward and mature a personal journey and research through very few B/W rolls, some polaroids and my meeting with an iconic photographer of the 20th century. I have no intention of merely illustrate what's out there; I instead always try to write sudden, abrupt stories with my photos and my smartphone allows me to do just that. I call them "photoequivalences" since my pictures spawn just from what little free will you're still able to have left and the dichotomy between my inner chaos and myself - all of this without forgetting my everlasting metaphysical research.


BIOGRAPHY Loredana De Pace

Journalist, independent curator and when she feels she has something to say, she is also a photographer. She writes for the magazine FOTO Cult – Tecnica e cultura della fotografia. Author of the book TUTTO PER UNA RAGIONE. Dieci riflessioni sulla fotografia (ed. Emuse, 2017). She is member of the cultural association FareFotografia. She has collaborated with various online media, always dedicated to culture and photography. She worked for the archive of the Calabrian author Gina Alessandra Sangermano. She participates in national and international awards juries, portfolio reviews, she works as photo consultant and exhibition projects curator in Italy and abroad. She collaborates with cultural associations in the organization of events and conferences on photography. She works, together with the director Rossella Viti, the the project Territori Latenti, a journey within the Verdecoprente residency project. She edited the books Epifanie: l’altra fisica del paesaggio by Tina Cosmai, Un’altra America by Massimo Tennenini, Una ragazza senza borsa by Gina Alessandra Sangermano, Il silenzio della parola, il rumore della catta catalog of the exhibition by Giulio Cerocchi, Ex?, catalog of the Raffaele Salvati exhibition, co-edited the book NOMORE by Raffaella Castagnoli. Main interviews: Fiorella Mannoia, Frank Horvat, Elliott Erwitt, Lanfranco Colombo, Piergiorgio

Branzi, Virginia Bettoja, Eugenio Recuenco, Mimmo Jodice, Diana Markosian, Simon Norfolk.

Main conferences: Evoluzione del linguaggio fotografico, La Gondola, Venice

(2020). Fotografia ed editoria, Macro Asilo (Rome, 2019); Martin Weber: Mapa de

sueños Latino Americano, public interview and simultaneous translation (CRAF-Spilimbergo 2019);

Main curatorship: Garden Misnake, photographs, videos and music by Patrizia Genovesi (Rome Art

Week 2019); Mese della fotografia in Rome (2019): exhibitions by Massimo Tennenini, Francesca

Dini, Sabrina Genovesi. Ex? by Raffaele Salvati and Ardesia: pietra silenziosa by Francesca Donadini

(2019), Priverno municipal arcades (LT). A Flower Revolution by Paolo Belletti, Palazzo Incontro in Rome (2014); Melting pot: guided visits to photographic exhibitions (ColornoPhotoLife 2017-2020); three words: photo editing workshop (2018-2020); Idea! Photographic project course (2018-2019).



Online meeting with the author, Carlo Traini and with his curator Loredana De Pace.


Live on Facebook page of Viaggio Fotografico




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