The universal language of painting - Post-lockdown paintings by Antonio Tamburro

Post-lockdown paintings by Antonio Tamburro

Sesto Senso Art Gallery is pleased to invite you to the exhibition Il linguaggio universale della pittura - Dipinti post lockdown by Antonio Tamburro, an exhibition of works that the international artist created during the quarantine period.

In a historical moment like the one we are living today, we are more convinced than ever of the fundamental role of art as a vehicle and positive message of beauty and universal dialogue. Art and artists with their imagination and communicative charisma represent better than anyone else the antidote to sadness, discouragement and fear towards what awaits us, an uncertain tomorrow. The whole of humanity needs to return to the fundamental values that unite us and among these we must not forget creativity and beauty. As Dostoevsky said "Beauty will save the world". Since ancient times art has always had a saving role, not only to cure souls as claimed by the church but also as a form of therapy, as a need of the spirit to remove the stress of everyday life from all forms of alienation. Art connects different peoples and cultures, it creates bridges, it does not put walls and barriers between human beings. Today more than ever there is a need to re-evaluate the essential role that art has in people's lives, valuing first of all the work of artists who with their creations leave a significant patrimony to humanity and of all those who support their work and encourage its fruition. This significant exhibition by Antonio Tamburro once again focuses on the central role that art has today, and does so through a message of beauty and hope, using the universal language of painting.


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