KYRAHM Open Studio

Because of the new anti covid-19 rules, the event will take place exclusively online.On 31 October 2020 in Rome from 6pm to 9pm the artist KYRAHM will carry out an open studio on the occasion of Rome Art Week.

Only with a private telephone date It will be possible to view the work "Ecce (H) omo, Guerrieri" in an exceptional way. A videoperformance on human frailty, dignity and love presented in Rome and at the 2016 "Venice International Art Week" event curated by VestAndPage, which saw the reunion of world body art artists.

"With humility I gathered these people who have laid bare body and soul, voluntarily showing themselves and their skinless life".


the public is invited to attend a performance in a 17th century noble palace. It is possible to enter one room at a time, in succession, as in a secular procession: a woman finds the strength to leave a message of love despite her illness , we meet a family made up of two homosexual mothers and a newborn, a woman who is moved by observing the signs of aging on her face, another listens to the voice of her now dead companion, with whom she shared 23 years of her life. In the last room, the singing of a soprano accompanies a Pietas with a disabled boy and a young woman who indulge in effusions and kisses.

They said of "Ecce (H) omo, Warriors:

"One of the most beautiful and important works I have seen in my entire life" (Giorgia Tribuiani, writer)

- "An example of struggle and love" (Elena Balestri, Funweek)

- "An action so powerful that it can be defined as the photograph of an existential manifesto" (Andrea Murnik, NisemTu researcher)

- "The work instills the desire for an Arcadian return to nature" (Roberto Bracaglia, critical scene)

To view the work, given the Covid emergency, places will be limited to one person at a time and the public must be equipped with a mask. The event will take place from 5 pm to 9 pm but you can participate only and exclusively by making an appointment at 340.6479392 where the details will be communicated.

The right of selection is reserved, it is not allowed to be accompanied.Ecce (H)omo, Guerrieri Performance Art, VideoArt, Docufilmauthor and director: Kyrahmconcept: Kyrahmwith: Fulvia Patrizia Olivieri, Kyrahm, Imma Mercadante, Lilli Quitadamo, Nicola Fornoni, Pepijoy, SIlvia ValeriMarco Fioramanti e sua madresoprano: Kyokocamera/colorist/editing Julius KaiserA production by: Human InstallationsThanks to Gocce di Vita per la Talassemia onlus

Kyrahm is an international artist based in Rome of visual and performance art, video art, film and activism. Upon the encounter with Julius Kaiser, she started the project Human Installations, a research comprising contemporary art, live art and avant-garde theatre. In a constant dialogue with cinema, create works of video art, documentaries and films. Her interest lies on the social function of the artist, existential dynamics, the role of identity, and the experimentation along mental and physical limits and gender roles.Their work has been presented in many countries of the world and has received prizes and institutional awards.They are often invitated to present her work at the Academy of Art and University in Italy and abroad.


2019 Nomination of the Golden Globe Award for documentary section 2019 with the documentary by Julia Pietrangeli "Close your eyes and fly" of which she is co-author of the screenplayWinner of the International Art Prize Laguna in Venice ( Italy, 2009)Among the Best Gender Exploration Performance Art in the world , Idkex (Columbus, OHIO, 2009)Best Film of the section dedicated to Pasolini of the Arcipelago Film Festival (Rome, Italy, 2015)Selected for ASFF BAFTA recognized Qualifying  Film Festival (UK, 2016)Best Performance Art at MACRO Art Museum in Rome Adrenalina Art Prize (Rome, Italy, 2013)Online vote Winner Celeste Prize International, Invidible Dog Art Gallery (New York, USA, 2010)



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