Between wood and blue

Dialogue between matter and color

For this personal exhibition, conceived and desired after a period that has made us suffer a lot, I wish to present myself to you in a direct way, I to you without filters.

The compositions I have chosen to show are often abstract, enclosing my visceral emotions, the suggestions of nature, the colors of places visited most often dreamed or lived in childhood.

As you will notice, I let myself be inspired by the most diverse materials, but my preference falls on wood in all its variations: solid, multilayered, osb.

Among the colors blue, deep blue, often metallic blue is the one I prefer most since I was a child: it fascinates me and so I love to reproduce it on things and objects.

I often express myself with the technique of contemporary mosaic because I prefer the contrasts of thicknesses, the vibrated surfaces and the freedom in the insertion of materials that apparently have nothing to do with the mosaic, but always trying to achieve the balance and a clearness of the whole that were in my mind even before we begin.     

                                                                        Mauro Rubini


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