Carolyn Angus Open Studio

Carolyn Angus studied Sculpture at Glasgow School of Art and completed her Master of Fine Art at Tyler School of Art Philadelphia, USA. She taught Fine Arts at Glasgow School of Art and at Sheffield Hallam University. Before arriving in Rome she worked as Education co-ordinator at an Outdoor Enironmental Sculpture project 'Stour Valley Arts' in King's Wood, Kent.

Since 2003 she has worked in Rome and her exhibitions include: Kultur På Ladugårvinden, Pargasgård, Finland, (July 2020)'The Discovery Art Fair' Frankfurt, Germany (November 2019), 'Approaches', Il Laboratorio, Trastevere, Rome (November 2019), , MACRO ATELIER, MACRO ASILO, Museo di Arte Contemporanea Roma, (February 2019), 'Temporal Bandwith, Studio YES Rome, (October 2018), 'The Tiny Biennale',Temple Gallery, Rome (2015), 'Resonance & Timbres' Gallery Monty and Company, Rome (2014), 'Casa con Vista' Casa Gregoretti, Rome, (2012) 'The Experiment' FLUDDE Festival, Faversham, Kent (2011), 'E le Stelle stanno Guardare' Gallerie 3B, Rome (2010) 'Focus' St Stephen's Cultural Center, Rome (2010).

Was an artist in Residence at Arteles Creative Center, Hämeenkyrö, Finland April 2017.

Carolyn lives and works in Italy and Finland.

This year the new studio space of Carolyn Angus will be inaugurated with an exhibition of collage and mixed media works as well as an installation which is site specific to the new space.

Visitng the Open Studio is by appointment Wednesday through Saturday, please send an email to or a whatsapp message 3459772276.


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