Multiples 2020 - Printmaking and installations by RUFA

At RUFA Space the projects of the students of the School of Visual Arts

Printmaking is the "non-place" of art. That space of thought and doing that has the license to operate in the freedom of non belonging.

For some years now, work within the strict technical dictates, which are the fascinating prerogative of printmaking, has appropriated the languages of other artistic disciplines, from sculpture to installation and performance. The concept that has consolidated over the centuries the fascination of printmaking given by the subjection of the matrix from which the works take shape - the concept of contact between matrix and sheet - has been progressively replaced by the concept of multiple. It does not matter what its origin is - even the classic engraving - but the concept of the multiple is now closely linked to it. This means that, in a very short time, unthinkable possibilities have gived up before, opening new horizons for experimentation.

This is what is done in RUFA, in the printmaking laboratory, under the guidance of Maria Pina Bentivenga and Gianna Bentivenga, and what is presented in this exhibition, within Roma Art Week 2020, is the result of the last years of work and collaboration between students and teachers. In RUFA Space we propose a selection of works that starting from the concept of multiple and go to animate the space.

Umberto Giovannini

The exhibition can be visited at RUFA Space from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm

Visual Arts students: Alice Papi, Eleonora Favale, Emma Brunelli, Gianluca Ricco, Giulia Bergantini, Giulia Rosini, Valentina Marino, Ludovica Baldini, Claudia Cermentini, Federica Griesi, Giulia Di Pasquale, Miriana D’Alessandro, Isabella Copa, Sergio Gagliardo, Valeria Caceres, Lorenzo Cappella, Stefano Tenti, Alessandro Martina, Alessia Saliu, Davide Miceli, Francesco Politano, Ginevra Miccadei, Giulia Gaia Rossi, Maria Cavinato, Chiara Bonanni, Aurora Augenti, Roberta Corongiu, Yu Xiang Wang, Andrea Spagnuolo, Giulia Romolo, Alice Papi, Eleonora Favale, Emma Brunelli, Gianluca Ricco, Giulia Bergantini, Giulia Rosini, Valentina Marino, Ludovica Baldini, Claudia Cermentini, Federica Griesi, Giulia Di Pasquale, Miriana D’Alessandro, Isabella Copa, Sergio Gagliardo, Valeria Caceres, Lorenzo Cappella, Stefano Tenti, Alessandro Martina, Alessia Saliu, Davide Miceli, Francesco Politano, Ginevra Miccadei, Giulia Gaia Rossi, Maria Cavinato, Chiara Bonanni, Aurora Augenti, Roberta Corongiu, Yu Xiang Wang, Andrea Spagnuolo, Giulia Romolo, Luca Di Gregorio.

Book the visit using this form.

If you can’t come at the location, everyday from 11:00 to 12:00 am or from 5:00 to 6:00 pm connect for a digital visit via WebEx.


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