A mano libera

Mostra dei vincitori del concorso; Di Lullo - Fornasetti - Mori


At the Incinque Open Art Monti gallery, directed by Monica Cecchini, the selected works of the winners of the "free hand" Call will be on display, from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October

The idea of ​​the expression "freehand" comes from the objective of making people reflect, through various artistic methods, on the VALUE OF FREEDOM, understood as full and total freedom of expression.

History teaches us that it has not always been possible to enjoy this immense right. In many countries and at different times, artists, architects, musicians, journalists as well as intellectuals have experienced profound existential discomfort due to multiple constraints and oppressions, many of them were declared mentally ill and in some cases lost their lives.

Art is instead the primary element of free expression in all its forms and values.

In light of some events that have occurred in these days, we have paused to reflect on this value. Therefore, starting from the "freehand" way of saying that in this case, it is understood as "drawing without technical aid", but in a broader sense embracing various meanings, the subject has been dealt with more broadly, extending it to freedom of speech , freedom of thought, freedom to love whoever we want, freedom of any religious belief, freedom to believe nothing and freedom to defend the freedom of others.

The three winning artists after having tried their hand at expressing, through multiple interpretations, cìò that for them represents the VALUE OF FREEDOM, for this occasion will be called to relate to the value and tolerance. and reception


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