Patrizia Genovesi Open Studio



edited by Loredana De Pace

Bite and you will be like God! The serpent of Eden hisses. And Eve surrenders to his adulation.

The knowledge promised by the serpent reveals itself to the two disobedient - Adam and Eve - the world of knowledge, in fact, is understood as a direct experience of good and evil.

Deceitful deception or opportunity to experience the completeness of existence no longer as bare unconscious shells, but as human beings who know not knowingly build their knowledge and live in the world, stratifying the good and evil acquired?


Revealed knowledge mixes knowledge and words.

So the error - ERROR - the misunderstanding wanted by the snake, turns into the MISNAKE garden gulf.

Here, then, that in the vision of the Milanese photographer Patrizia Genovesi, Eva is no longer the fierce enemy of the snake, but converses with him in an equal way, aware of her possibilities, in a garden that is no longer only that of Eden.

However the awareness of knowledge initially disorients, stuns for its immense quantity of information translated by human intelligence, and for the inevitable introspection to which it leads. Therefore, the GARDEN becomes harsh and retains its nature of a welcoming place only at times, loses color and becomes icy landscape within which to rediscover its position.

The GARDEN MISNAKE exhibition is structured in a circular form as a sort of "cold embrace" in which to learn to pause without trembling. At the center of the embrace Eve stands out, an altarpiece in which she dominates with the universally recognized symbols that now do not intimidate her, on the contrary, she has learned to manage them, govern them and look at us proud, sensual, present to herself ... in a word, aware.The garden is the setting of the whole exhibition and remains even after the revelation of the snake's deception because in a circular form existences start from it and return to it, for the Last Judgment, if there will ever be one, Eve will now know defend themselves. Within this new garden, therefore, after the bite of the apple, the awareness of good and evil that will flow in the "river of death" of primordial naivety, but also in a river full of multiform experience, will never cease to exist.



Within this new garden, therefore, after the bite of the apple, the awareness of good and evil that will flow in the "river of death" of primordial naivety, but also in a river full of multiform experience, will never cease to exist.

Ultimately, being able to overcome the winter of doubt and uncertainty leads back to the garden, this time all-encompassing, invasive, colorful, rich, free: the overlapping of experiences, now established, brings back color and warmth in the video product by Patrizia Genovesi and which completes the exhibition.

Feet on the ground, direct look, completeness: Eva (and the man with her) is new, beautiful and complete.



Photography and video by Patrizia Genovesi

edited by Loredana De Pace

Open Studio by Patrizia Genovesi

via di Villa Belardi, 18 - 00154 Rome (RM).

Opening October 23, 7 pm

During the inauguration, Loredana De Pace will talk with Patrizia Genovesi about the work on show.

OPENING CALENDAR from October 21st to November 15th, from 5pm to 7.30pm.



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