Pyros [πυρο] Written on Fire

Patrick Eduardo's first solo show curated by Federica Piras

Rome Art Week, in its mission to highlight emerging artists, in this edition joins Kickit, in collaboration with Kou Gallery, for Patrick Eduardo's solo exhibition 

During a period of residence in the gallery, the artist will give birth to twelve large-format works in mixed media on canvas, a cycle created specifically for his first solo exhibition dedicated entirely to the city of Rome.

PYROS [πυρο], Written in the Fire, in fact, combines myth and tradition, paying homage to the great noble families who have helped to make the city the capital of the world. The collection, born from the artist's stay in the Eternal City, is a study of forms, Latin symbols, colors and concepts related to the material of fire, reworked in a contemporary key.

During the exhibition period, a live painting event will be organized on the edge between performance and street art, to allow the public to admire the artist in action.

Patrick Eduardo was born on August 23, 1991 in Lipa City, Philippines. During his childhood he moved with his family to Italy. He began his studies in Milan and with the support of music and drawing he soon developed his creative side. He graduated in Graphic Design and completed his studies at the University of Rotterdam in the Faculty of Modern Interior Architecture. In parallel with his university studies, Patrick got to know and explored the ancient world of calligraphy applied to the new artistic movement that was emerging in Holland: "Calligraffiti".The experimental phase ends with his return to Italy, where he understands that calligraphy can be productive for his career and evolving the concept of writing into art. This becomes more and more a constant to be linked to other artistic aspects such as the contrast between colors and materials; the combination of gold and black gives his works the highest decorative aspiration, making them usable in various European countries such as France, Germany and Russia up to the Middle East, allowing him to collaborate with various brands and artists around the world.

Kou Gallery is managed and supported by Associazione Kou which has as its purpose the promotion and dissemination of culture and art at national and international level.

KICKIT was founded in 2017 as the largest Italian event dedicated to streetwear and hip hop culture. A concept that combines urban style in all its facets from fashion to photography, music, street art, with an important part dedicated to live exhibitions and with an eye for young talent.

Exhibition hours: Mon-Fri from 16:00 to 19:00

Live Painting Event: Thursday 24 October at 17:30

Vernissage: Thursday, October 17 at 18:30


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