Punto di partenza by Barbara Lalle and Marco Marassi

Performance of relational art curated by Roberta Melasecca

Barbara Lalle and Marco Marassi Punto di partenzacurated by Roberta Melasecca

Saturday, October 26, 2019 the arcades of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome will be the scene of the new performance by Barbara Lalle and Marco Marassi conceived for the fourth edition of Rome Art Week. Punto di partenza, curated by Roberta Melasecca and with the graphic design by Alessandro Arrigo, is a public, participatory performance of relational art that seals the bond that the two artists have established with their territory, the Rione Esquilino.

Piazza Vittorio, in fact, is a crossroads of different cultures, rich in social stratifications, animated by many realities. Along the arcades of Piazza Vittorio live worlds far away: the corners are sitting poor and marginalized and disadvantaged, the others pass quickly, stopping just a few moments in the stands of clothing and accessories arranged sporadically along the way, or heading to various shops. Life goes by fast, in a sort of continuous indifference, each one incorporated in his own personal cocoon, isolated from the reality of the other.

The project was born from the need to reconsider the square as an element of relationship, as a place of meeting and connection between private and public space: in this context the word becomes the starting point for contact, communication and to generate and regenerate a community.

Under each of the 9 arcades of the square, from 16 to 19, the performers will create a human circle, strengthening the symbol of visual continuity of the place: each performer will invite passers-by to stop and talk: "Stop, talk", "Can you stop? Let's talk?".

Dialogue is the starting point: talking is free, talking breaks down barriers, invites to stop and rebuild a small society. Now, the disadvantaged and the marginalized are no longer standing still or sitting, but all those who want to regain possession of their own being citizens, in a place such as the square, symbol and metaphor of the city. The square, through the word, reaffirms the identity of those who live it and offers the opportunity to find a new form of belonging, to build together a city that welcomes, protects and always generates new ideas. The square is the dimension that gives life to a coexistence, to a cohabitation of the space where the common denominator is mutual trust and where everyone becomes the builder of a new world, possible and desirable, landscape of sharing and participation.

Punto di partenza will involve associations and realities that operate in the territory and represents the third appointment of the project of territorial and community performances carried out by Barbara Lalle and Marco Marassi in the Esquiline District, started with the performance installation "Logos in progress" on 26 November 2016 and with "Non è area per voi", flashmob with residents and animal associations of 5 November 2016.

Punto di partenza with Francesca Conte, Loredana Margheriti, Gulietta Vulcano, Antonio Romano, Gennaro Vasaturo, Valeria Vivarelli, Lucia Batassa, Giuseppe Laudisa, Susanna Marilungo, Angela Mancini, Daniela Carreras, Elisabetta D’abundo, Elisabetta Rampazzo, Emma Saponaro, Fabio Asaro, Flavio Massimi, Simona Balistreri, Marco Binotto, Rocco Agostini, Monica Pirone, Sergio Angeli, Marcella Marinelli, Eugenio Marini, Martino Iannone, Gianni Fantoni, Settimio Cecconi, Simone Mancini, Stefano Restivo, Marco Zucchi, Jenny Viola, Alessandra Verticchio, Danilo Gheghi, Giuseppe Troccoli, Andrea Incalza, Valentina Vinotti.




Rome Art Week 2019Barbara Lalle and Marco Marassi Punto di partenzacurated by Roberta Melaseccagraphic design by Alessandro Arrigo

Saturday 26 October 2019 16.00/19.00Porticoes of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Rome

Barbara Lalle - barbix2002@libero.it Marco Marassi - www.marcomarassi.com

Interno 14 nextRoberta Melasecca Curator&Pressroberta.melasecca@gmail.com - info@interno14next.ittel. 3494945612www.interno14next.it. www.melaseccapressoffice.it


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