Ways of seeing

Site specific encounter with Marco Peri

The Project will include the exhibition :Leonardo D'Amico The Red Circle ,promoted and hosted by Azimut Capital Management from 19th of October to the 5th of november 2018 at Via Flaminia 133 Rome.

The event has the title  "Ways of Seeing" and providea a Site  specific encounter with the works on display related by art historian and museum educator Marco Peri.

"Ways of seeing" are inspired by the teachings of john Berger and investigate the ways of observing art to achieve immersive and sensory experience that invites the public to challenge their perception of ways of seeing and being . it is attained via interactive gropup tours ranging in number from 15-20 visitors.

The event will be held from Monday 22nd of October at 6:00 p.m e-mail reservation theredcircle2018@gmail.com 

The exibition "Leonardo d'amico -The red circle" will be open for viewing from Monday to friday from 9,00 am to 19,00.

Contibutors and Guided tours :Marco peri- Irene Corsetti-Floriana Pisano 


Azimut Capital Management, market leader in Financial Investments, has always been in the forefont in promoting art and culture,contributing to the organization of artistic events of significant cultural importance.

The promotion of culture is in line with Azimut's core values expressede in its everyday work; indipendence, research and innovation. Since 2013 at its prestigious Rome location at via Flaminia 133 it has hosted numeorus events including the recent "Roma Futurista" (30/05/2018 - 19/07/2018).


In exihibit will be pieces creatde between 2010 and 2016 highlighting the artist's pictorial experimentation rooted in his pure language of synthesis of signs.

Amongst the works displayed one can discover the artist's pictorial space as defined by core elements delimitating the essential that aim to achieve a symbiosis of aesthetic harmony with conceptual strucutre .

The "Papers" and the "Painting" both here exhibited ,exemplify this language of abstraction of an original concept. Layered but still recognixable.

Leonardo D'Amico lives and works in rome


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