KYRAHM Open Studio

20 years dedicated to performance art, between extreme body art and live art.

Made of soul, flesh and blood, her works with a strong emotional impact have always had a look oriented towards social issues.

Point of reference for performance art in Italy, Kyrahm,  on 24thOctober 2018, from 6. 30 p.m to 9 p.m, opens the doors of the studio and pose room  where sometimes she works.


On the occasion of the event, it will be possible to view the video of two of her inedited works for Rome:

"Hysteria, the stars have not eyes"written and directed by Kyrahm with the interpretation of the actress Valentina Siracusa and "Ecce (H)omo, Warriors",shocking performance on human frailty and love presented at the Venice International Art Week with the protagonists of the contemporary artistic and performative world scene.

It will also be possible to view the artist's rare pictorial works and to provide some unpublished frames with an authentic signature.


Considering that in her work all that is real and the contents, in constant balance between life and death, can be considered only adult audience.


may participate only who have submitted an e-mail by October 21 at


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