The Song of Songs in the translation by Guido Ceronetti

Reading to alternate voices - Francesca Di Vetta e Andrea Lami .

Closing event for the exhibition of ARTISTI INTERNAZIONALI DELLA GALLERY UNO DI BERLINO, at the Art Exhibition Link - Artists Studio, Via di Borgo Pio 125.

Will be present the artists Stefano Bolcato, Simone ElsingLaura GrossoMarkus Kohn , Anthony LombardiChryssis Vici


"Only those who have loved Wisdom as a woman, and a woman (sublime courtesy, unheard of) as Wisdom, have derived from the Canticle all the possible light".

Guido Ceronetti (1927-2018)


Attributed to King Solomon, the Song of Songs (4th century BC) is one of the last texts accepted in the canon of the Bible. It is composed of 8 chapters containing love poems in a dialogical form between a man and a woman.

The text has a very high value in Judaism, being the Song one of the "Meghillot", or "rolls" read on the occasion of the main parties. As well as many interpretations of the text over the centuries, both from the Jewish and Christian canonical doctrine.It is one of the most lyrical and unusual texts of the Scriptures. It tells in verses the love between a woman and a man, with tenderness but also with a boldness of tones full of sensual nuances and erotic images. This does not at all affect the sacred character of the Canticle, as the erotic love of the two lovers, for the author of the text, has divine origin and its interpretation, as for all the sacred texts, is not intended only in the sense literal, hiding deep allegorical and initiatory meanings in itself.

The Song of Songs, in the Guido Ceronetti version, will be recited by the young voices of Francesca Di Vetta and Andrea Lami.

Francesca Di Vetta, is a perennial student who moved by passion for various artistic expressions, has decided to embark on a path that has led over the years to mature the idea of art as of something increasingly inclusive and open to diversity. Specialised in the interpretation of sign language, she has embraced and embarked on a multidisciplinary path on other sensory disabilities, blindness and dull blindness, learning the various forms of communication. Simultaneously with these studies she experiments improvisation theater and works as a photographer.

Andrea Lami earned his classical high school diploma and graduated from the Fondamenta Theater Academy. He also graduated from the Melody School Academy, where he studied singing, and from Silvia Pepitoni's Academy of Dubbing. He works at the Auditorium Parco della Musica and in several other theaters, including the Vascello and Lo Spazio, in Rome. He has worked in the new web series "The Wall" and in the short "Beauty" produced by Moolmore Film, among other things, in addition to being appeared in various fiction.


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