In art every day

Forse un mattino andando in un’aria di vetro

During​ ​RAW 2017​,​ Accademia di ​B​elle ​A​rti di Roma ​will host​ ​an ​exhibition​ of selected student works: "Forse un mattino andando in un'aria di vetro", curated by Helga Marsala and Gabriele Simongini​. Videofocus, ​a selection of work by ​the New Technologies department​, will be showing in the Video Gallery. ​ Opening Monday October 9th​ - 6​pm to 9pm.

​Starting at​ 7pm ​there will be ​a ​l​ive​ set​ sound performance in the courtyard ​of the Accademia ​for happy hour​. ​All ​studios will be open ​to the public ​for visits from 1pm to 8pm.


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