Rendez-vous pour RAW 2017

La Galleria Lombardi in occasione di RAW (Rome Art Week) 2017

The Lombardi Gallery, on RAW (Rome Art Week) 2017, presents an exhibition that tells about some intellectual and friendships that have happened and are present in the art world. Fausto Pirandello and Giovanni Stradone, both breathed in the '30s the air of the "Roman School". Achille Perilli and Giulio Turcato, exponents of the great renewal in Italy in 1947, with the birth of the "Forma Uno" group. Franco Angeli and Tano Feast, along with other street companions, gave birth to the "People's Square School" in the 1960s, which completely transformed the Italian cultural climate. Lucio del Pezzo and Ugo Nespolo, together with Enrico Baj, in the 1970s, were part of the Patafisica Milanese movement. Gianni Dessì and Giancarlo Limoni, founders and creators of the "Pastificio Cerere" in the 80's, which gave and continues to be a point of reference for contemporary painting, and finally Giuseppe Barilaro, Marco Eusepi, Ignazio Schifano and Marco Stefanucci their attendance at Galleria Lombardi and who has led him in recent years to a series of joint exhibitions.


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