"Punto e Quadro" Painting words

Dagli ISBN di Corrado Veneziano ad altri codici espressivi


Incinque Open Art Monti Gallery is based in the centre of Rome, in the very heart of it, at Rione Monti. It is hosted in a charming XIV century building rich in medieval suggestions. In this unique location contemporary artworks will merge themselves with ancient walls, bricks and columns.


The Gallery invite emerging and established artists to submit artwork for an opportunity to participate in our upcoming group exhibition “ Punto e Quadro – Dipingere le parole “.

The subject is “Painting words” :  thinking about the concept of seeing , observing , looking at things and also imagining them has brought us to the concept of  this exhibition. The idea is to create artworks inspired by words, for instance  from a line in your favourite book, a poem, or a short story. Words become material when transformed in images.


Submission is open to all national and international artists. In order to be selected, artists should submit a short biography and three pictures representative of their artistic works unless the artists have a website.

Each selected artist will participate in the exhibition with one artwork.

Those artists who had already worked  with Incinque Open Art Monti Gallery can send only the picture of the artwork they wish to present for this Exhibition.

The selection will take place simultaneously with the vision of the material received.


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