Analysis of myths and archetypes, for the research of the bare ego

For RAW Rome Art Week 2023, the CONTEMPORARY STORIES Project, curated by Anna Cochetti, hosts in the Studio Research and Documentation space of Via Poerio 16/B DÉCALAGES, an organic set of works, which constitute the new personal exhibition by Gilles Cuomo, as a mise en place of a research path built for the Roman space, one year after the previous intervention.

Visual artist and author with a multidisciplinary training - "peripheral artist", by his own definition - whose interests intersect cinema and figurative arts, philosophy and literature, with a specific attention brought to the analysis, in current forms, of the great myths and great archetypes, in the permanent search for a critical dimension of the "truth" of the Ego, based on the strategy of doubt, setback and fall - to be staged, between vision and writing, like a film representation, Gilles Cuomo chooses to continue with "Décalages” the process of disassembling the unitary flow of the sequences, resorting to the “out of frame”, to the “freeze frame”.

"Décalages" of image-sequences, to be understood as a "displacement", "detachment" from the predictability of the ordinary linear vision, of the "banal everyday", therefore capable of generating the unpredictability of the vision in the onlooker, where the "out of shot" forces one to push the gaze into the detail, even the apparently evasive or non-significant one.

Among Gilles Cuomo's permanent guiding themes, such as the broken column or the skull or Icarus - already one of the artist's alter egos - here, in a refined hypertextual pastiche full of evocative references, other "Doubles", "heroes" or "masks" are inserted, who question themselves, about life, about death.


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