Miami New Media Festival - Civilization vs. violence

Education, art and community as a way to embrace non-violence

On the occasion of the presentation of the winning videos of the "RAW meets the Miami New Media Festival 2022" call, carried out as part of Rome Contemporary Art Week

"RAW meets the Miami New Media Festival 2022," an initiative realized between Rome Art Week (RAW) and the Miami New Media Festival (MNMF), now in its 17th edition, will be held this year on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at the Centro Studi Americani in Rome (Via Michelangelo Caetani 32), at 3 p.m., as part of the CineForum "Civilization vs Violence: education, art and community as a way to embrace nonviolence."

Speakers will include Roberto Sgalla, director of the Center for American Studies; Massimiliano Padovan Di Benedetto, director Rome Art Week; and Andreina Fuentes Angarita, director of Arts Connection. Moderator is Marinellys Tremamunno, video journalist, spokesperson for MNMF in Italy.

Six video art works have been selected for the Roman screening of the Miami New Media Festival: "Singularity" (2022) by Massimiliano Ionta (Italy); "ALL RACISTS [You are]" (2021) by Carles Pàmies (Spain); "Squeeze" (2020) by Gina Peyran Tan (Singapore); "Globus Viridis" (2022) by Victoria Thomen (Italy-Dominican Republic); "Being U" (2022) by Emanuele Marsigliotti (Italy); and "Border" (2021) by Manuel De Marco (Italy). Along with them, several international artists will participate.

The artists are winners of the Italian call for MNMF 2022 and had their international premiere last Saturday, Oct. 8, during the opening of the international festival, held at the Art To Save Lives Contemporary gallery in Miami; where they are being screened until Oct. 29, along with the 34 winning videos from the international call.

A festival dedicated to video art

Miami New Media Festival (MNMF) is a public art platform, created by Arts Connection Foundation, RAW's partner since the year 2017, to promote artistic creation through technology and new media. It is a great celebration of contemporary art, with many artistic activities, including screenings, video mapping, live audio-visual performances, workshops, exhibitions and lectures. MNMF interweaves video art with the public, allowing a new space for gathering and artistic expression.

The Miami New Media Festival is an inclusive event. It encourages the participation of video artists of any age (+ 16) and any genre, with no restrictions of nationality or residency. It is open to all audiences-artists, art students, scholars, academic institutions, curators, collectors, institutions and companies.


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