SOPHIE KO + MÁRTA KUCSORA "Questo Caos Del Tempo"

SOPHIE KO + MÁRTA KUCSORA "Questo Caos Del Tempo"

PostmastersROMA is extremely pleased to present a two person exhibition of new work by Sophie Ko (1981, Tbilisi) and Márta Kucsora (1979, Budapest), a first presentation for both artists at our gallery in Rome. Postmasters Gallery in New York City has held a solo exhibition of Márta Kucsora in 2021. Questo Caos Del Tempo is an exhibition of two artists, facing each other in all their chaos and fearlessness, chosen in tandem by the curator, Melania Rossi (Sophie Ko), and Paulina Bebecka, director of PostmastersROMA (Márta Kucsora).The show features new paintings and wall works from each artist, a site specific floor based installation created by Sophie Ko, and a video installation of Márta Kucsora.  Sophie Ko utilizes time as her primary material, as well as pigments, butterflies, earth and ashes of burnt images. She attempts to control the unpredictable materials in her Temporary Geographies series by containing them in geometrically shaped frames. It's an attempt to freeze the uncontrollable loose pigments or ashes which over time change and shift unnoticeably, highlighting the transient nature - of everything.  

Kucsora's paintings suggest an infinite psychological and physical space, where rhythm and order exists amidst chaos and control alongside chance. Kucsora, like an alchemist, mixes up paints of varied density and viscosity, pastes, lacquers and gelatins, spraying, and sprinkling them onto canvas. Her paintings are simultaneously spatially deep and canvas-flat.

For both artist, the metamorphosis occurring through time is of major importance. While confronted with these visual interpretations of thoughts, ephemeral like the batting of butterflies' wings, the viewers' beliefs, memories and sparks get unlocked.A critical text by Melania Rossi and Paulina Bebecka will accompany the exhibition.


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