Sea of Suffering - Migration and Climate Change

By Sea and Land

The exhibition MEDI-TERRA-NEO, as well as the articulation of its title, does not only refers to the sea as a meeting place of cultures or as suffering for many, but wants to call for reflection on the Anthropocene; in particular with MEDI we refer to the meditation on the condition of the EARTH and the role of Humanity that represents precisely a NEO (stain) on the Environment.

Mankind as Neo of beauty or malign presence on the globe, through the visions of some twenty artists**, with small works (approx. 30x40) in free technique.

Through Art we can tell the story, in figurative or abstract images, not only of people, but also of the context in which they live. The deepest emotions, doubts and everything that is encapsulated and that we sometimes cannot clearly express.

Art will not find solutions, but it will raise the question, not to let the Mediterranean die and not to continue to pretend nothing is happening in the Mediterranean.

Changes are taking place involving Humanity and the Climate, the Climate and Humanity, in an interconnection that makes each person involved and responsible for the future of Nature and our posterity. A responsibility that challenges us on the way we live day by day.

Art must know how to interpret the everyday, be a chronicler or activist, sensitive to the travails that overwhelm much of Humanity.

Art can also look at the past, but by overcoming anachronism and affected depiction of thoughts divorced from contemporaneity, to treasure it and find that History repeats itself.

To be an observing or active voice in a World traversed by inequalities and selfishness that do not offer bridges, but walls, real or virtual borders to keep the Others away or to hide and deny a malaise that is growing more and more.

Art can be the voice of collective traumas, the claim and denunciation of trampled rights, a further stimulus to try to understand how we have come to think with "Ego" and not with "Echo" and remove the obstacles that we ourselves have sometimes unconsciously placed.

Therefore, MEDI-TERRA-NEO, which by now no one can identify as mare nostrum, but which belongs to everyone, is a chorus of works, which can be more effective than so many empty sensationalist loudspeakers of the communication tools to make us come, not to an emotional reaction, but to a deep reflection on what is happening in us and around us.

Artisti presenti in mostra:

Evelyne Baly, Claudia Bellocchi,Elisabetta Bertulli, Marco Di Francesco, Fernando Falconi, Venera Finocchiaro, Giorgio Fiume, Gregorio Gumina, Giacomo La Commare, Luigia Martelloni, Lucilla Monardi, Maurizio Morandi, Alessandra Parisi, Beatrice Pasquet, Daniela Passi, Francesca Refrigeri, Rocco Salvia, Giulia Sargenti

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