"The others and me: contaminations" - Federico Zimatore

Identity and otherness, a topic rooted in human nature since its origins

Medina Roma from 7 to 13 October presents the personal ehxibition of Federico Zimatore, a roman artist active since the late nineties. The exhibition will be held concurrently with RAW - Rome Art Week 2017 - Contemporary Art Week of the Capital. Vernissage: Saturday 7 October at 6pm.

The choice of the title refers to a theme that is the basis of the search for Federico Zimatore: the encounter with the other. Meeting the other for Zimatore means approaching, confronting, knowing, participating in a third dimension, intersubjective. Meeting point is the reality that surrounds us: experience, emotions, images thoughts, daily suggestions. The first meaning of word contamination has a negative meaning; is the action and result of contamination or contamination. The second less common meaning, to which the title of the exhibition refers, expresses the elements of different origin: merging and mixing. These issues are not a mere theoretical or cultural exercise: the theme of identity and alienity is a matter rooted in human nature; protagonist of large philosophical debates since origins.

Many Zimatore's works come from meetings and travel experiences around the world; they show different and distant realities, tell stories and emotions, developing a happy short-circuit between the North and South of the world; highlighting the contact points between different cultures and worlds.

Open to the public: 8-13 October 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm


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