SKY Floor / EARTH Floor

Solo exhibition of Nicole Voltan curated by Gianluca Marziani

The exhibition is on the two floors of the gallery hosting a site-specific project. The works on show are the result of an acute reflection on nature, which winds between sky, earth and life. All Nicole's works strike for their theorical complexity and the materials used by her, all of which presuppose a great discipline and manual work by the artist.

At EARTH Floor we find works made of natural materials, such as tuff and iron, which dialogue with other made of needles and threads. All of these want to be an acute analysis of knowledge, science, history, creation and life's origin.

At SKY Floor we find works made up of fabrics, canvas, led lights, needles and wire. They want to be an accurate study of the cosmos, the stars, the constellations and the science through measuring instruments and grids.

The artist offers a journey to the spectator in a dimension where impalpable and physical, dynamism and static, macro and micro, the future and the past talk freely.


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