"Terra Incognita"

Solo exhibition of Marina Buening Print installations and more

“the green man is very angry” , with this work the show begins and it is nearly a manifest. The exhibition is mainly about our relation to nature. Marina Buening finds a very notable reference point in the work of Albrecht Dürer (great piece of turf, 1503). It is a study of a seemingly unordered group of wild plants. He puts himself nearly at the same level of the plants, which are not very prestigious but simple herbs. Perhaps a search for the secret forces of nature?

 Also Marina Buening looks for the “terra incognita”, a land we don’t know yet and of which we don’t have a map. A land we want to explore and take risk to enter. Perhaps we may find there “a good place to die“ one of the big installations in this exhibition, made with bones and grass slowly growing, or we will explore “com’è profondo il mare”, the second big installation. Marina Buening plays in her prints and photos with the archaic beauty of nature but also with the threat of entering the wilderness. But there is hope if we have the courage to enter the wilderness inside ourselves, so the outer wilderness becomes less frightening and we will find some life again. This is what happens in the prints. The part of our self, which has been threatened by our lifestyle, tries to withdraw and hide in the deep wilderness. Chaos and emotions may be attractive, but at the same time are frightening. So she offers to the public the opportunity to enter themselves and you never know if a lion, a deer or an unicorn may jump out of it. In the end the “green man” might release a bit of his anger.


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