Michel Bédouin Open Studio


AdottArt is a project where artists of the group Arco di Gallieno "adopt" a place in the Esquilino neighbourhood of Rome. In this place which could be a shop, a window, a door, a space between two monuments or any corner of the neighbourhood, the artist will display their work. The "adopted" places will be chosen based on a special relationship each artist has with the place. The objective is to create a sort of "ecomuseum", an open and spread out museum where the works of the artists will remain permanently and establish a  durable bond with the economic and historical fabric of the Esquilino neighbourhood.

On the 12th of October there will be a tour of the places involved organized by Manuela De Leonardis

Participating artists include: Michel Bedouin, Franco Cenci, Carlo Grossi, Michele Marinaccio, Elly Nagaoka, Beatrice Pasquet, Elisabetta Pizzichetti, Massimo Ruiu


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