Enrico Magnani - Artist talk

The artist must be an ambassador of principles greater than himself. (E.M.)

Enrico Magnani (1972) is an Italian artist known for working with mystical and scientific themes aiming for the evolution of the human being. His first exhibition opened November 1997 in Milan. Until 2006 he worked as figurative painter and after a transition period his work has become exclusively abstract. His original abstract artworks have brought him in few years to international attention and from 2010 have been presented in museums, foundations, private galleries, and public institutions in Europe and the USA.

Finally landed to art after an eclectic journey that has seen him for years, even scientific researcher in nuclear fusion, at some point in his career, Magnani has felt the need to use art to proceed in those narrow paths of knowledge where the purely rational speculation is not enough, and it is necessary to draw from the emotion as well, to that intuition, not irrational, but "otherwise rational" that only art, at a certain level of development, can express.



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