Photosynthesis of Andrea Pacanowski

Hybrid contaminations between classic Art and Photography

<< His works can be interpreted in different ways, if we call them contaminations or hybrids that is all we could say or nothing at all. To better understand his coming to this form of expression, full of outward ambiguity, it is important to know something about his past: he was born in a family of creative artists, sculptors, painters, architects; he was a fashion photographer for a long time, then he sets again to undertake a more demanding path, deciding to become an “artist”.

He does not give up with photography, but he introduces it in a new art project, permeating in painting. How? On a reflecting surface, elaborated and painted in different colours, the photographic images reflect and fix themselves and seem to dissolve, making original illusory fascinating images, often producing effects similar to the impressionists works.

This is the “contamination”, that can be surely identified with an evolution, a challenge with the research in a quite original way of “making art”. Images seem to be run through by a continuous flow – like in a sort of perpetual metamorphosis - in a fascinating drift: ambitious and elaborated experiment that lead to the creation of images , confirming an undeniable creative vitality of the artist.>>(Author: Angela Noya) 


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