Alessandra Pierelli Pop sculptures exhibition


Pop food is one of the elements of pop art that overlaps and is almost inextricable from the iconic dimension of an art that enhances the brands of the food Industry-think of Soup Campbell or Warhol's coca Cola-as recognized myths and recognizable by all in the mass market era and the mass media, more than the figures of the star system, the cinema, the Music. The food, in fact even today in the time of stellar chefs and stars, is the theme of the themes, the Super theme of the west to which people devote time and intelligence, money and energy, in a kind of idealization in which the binge or fasting, greed refinement Of the gourmet or the health ideology of vegano, are simple verses of the same coin. here, on the edge, is grafted the conceptual work of Alessandra pierelli, which adheres, as in the best pop tradition, to the context represented, the playful one of sweets and candies, but to highlight the limits of its representation : Changing the scale (for example the giant pack of macarones), deceiving the eye (the perfect chocolates, but resin), or using the organic matter as a new skin, an organic coating that revitalizes the work but in other way (think of the Koons Balloon Dog covered in marshmallow). In fact Pierelli works with the rhetorical weapons typical of the decontextualization and détournement, or with new sign propositions that act on the signer and thus also on the meaning (think of the "cornetto agitates", in all similar except for This tymise to the corresponding mark). And this semantic shift is enough to make a conceptual work of hyper-realism, to introduce, in a context only to the appearance of lightness, a comedy "cold" from True Patafisica.


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