Mario Dal Mare Open Studio


Meeting adults and children

Mario Dal Mare guest in the gallery space Pian Dè Giullari in collaboration with Studio Arco and Miaohaus Gallery


An event to highlight the game in art and the art of playing a game together. The action will take place in the space between via del Pellegrino and via dei Cappellari, including the two arches, the streets and the Pian de 'Giullari studio-gallery. Keywords are to listen, to participate and to confront, in order to evoke the child spirit of curiosity, interaction and discovery. This exhibition is aimed at recalling the ancient procession of the Ludi Seculares (which took place in the surrounding area) a passage ritual in which the kings first, then the emperors made offers to the Roman deities, to increase the longevity of the community and the fertility of the kingdom. Everything starts from the creative capacity of children. As Picasso says "at the age of twenty I painted like Giotto, at ninety I paint like a child, painting is all to be invented". So in this experience that is proposed, we want to paint the space by creating games as children among children, artists and bystanders..

Interactive games, in wood with painting and words, will take place between the gallery and the arches, during the afternoon of October 25th. The works will remain on display in the gallery for the following week.


On this occasion Mario Dal Mare will collaborate with the collective Studio Arco, and the Miaohaus gallery. Artists: Mario Dal Mare, Andrea Bottai, G Occhi, Olga Hendel, Gianluca Marasca. 


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