Situationists of yesterday and today : the roots of Cosio, the lesson of Boresta

An unpredictable situation. Donatella Alfonso - Pino Boresta - Fulvio Abbate

Bianco Contemporaneo, the new space for art, on Monday 22nd October at 6pm, in the occasion of Rome Art Week, presents an event in which the current exhibition by Pino Boresta M.E.R.d.A. Manifesti Elettorali Rettificati da Asporto, will be the setting for the presentation of the book by Donatella Alfonso "An unpredictable situation. Art, wine, rebellion: the Situationism is born (Editor the Melangolo).

Both the exhibition and the book will be the excuse to talk about the artistic movement of the situationists.

Donatella Alfonso, Repubblica's journalist and writer with this book gives us the opportunity to study in deep an artistic movement that has laid the groundwork for all the changes that occurred from '68 onwards.

Pino Boresta with his artistic actions instead offers us the opportunity to understand the differences between the founders of historical revolutionary movements and contemporary artists subject to enormous contradictions.

the moderator of event will be Fulvio Abbate which, through his well-founded experience as a writer, will be able to focus on the differences between the revolutionary past and current conformism.


Bianco Contemporaneo will also present a portrait of the musician Walter Olmo by maestro Angelo Colone (guitarist), as a tribute to one of the founders of the Situationist movement. The art historian Gianluca Tedaldi will intervene.


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