Camping Panorama – Virginia Mori solo show

Virginia Mori solo show from 29th September to 10th November 2018, curated by Ne

Nero Gallery is pleased to present, as the opening of the 2018-2019 season, the personal exhibition "Camping Panorama" by Virginia Mori.


The artist presents a series of unpublished drawings that she conceived taking inspiration from the theme of this exhibition and a series of older drawings. All the works are realized with the use of a ballpoint pen on a paper support.


"Camping Panorama" is a place with a reassuring, familiar name, capable of transporting the viewer back in time. Summer in the childhood period is always a dream come true. Summer camps become a magical and secret place, a refuge from the real world, where kids are transformed from naive schoolchildren into great adventurers and daring explorers. In this strange universe the arrival of the night can be experienced both as a dream and a nightmare.


When the games are over and you are forced to go to bed, the Camping suddenly changes its appearance: a new and uncanny imaginary opens up, a dream world where sheets are ghosts and beds come to life or travel suspended on tree tops, in a sort of descent into the subconscious, into the unknown.


The exhibition investigates the duality of the surreal imaginary: on the one hand the familiar appeal to the games and sweetness of childhood, on the other the fascination of darkness, of a horrifying and ironic visionarity, of an unknown dimension. This duality is always recurrent in the works of Virginia that, thanks to her particular black humor, manages to arouse in the viewer contrasting emotions, a mixture of attraction and repulsion, of enchantment and unease. And it is precisely in the wide spectrum of meanings, in the metaphorical panorama that the observer is invited to explore and discover, that the charm of this artist’s works resides.



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