Angelo Savarese Open Studio

Angelo Savarese brings his Mannequin outdoor and places them at the Rugby Roma Olimpic Club. 6 atrpieces in mixed media will be exhibited. The art event is curated by Velia Littera.

Mannequin is an art project related to issues such as loneliness, repression, sadness, suffering of the contemporary man, leads Savarese to dialogue with mannequins to which he gives an imprint of words, matter and colors in an attempt to humanize them: a clear cry of help to save the new generations from the dangers of this falsely globalized, technological and "wifi" world!

On occasion of this art exhibition, the artist will present for the first time also a n artwork created specifically for the rugby club in honor of the Rugby Rome emblem on which he has impressed on the canvas the words taken from the book "Ethics of a sport" written by Bubi Farinelli.

...,for the simple fact of wearing the same jersey, rugby players have a strong brotherly sense of friendship and are absolutely incapable to bear a blame inflicted to a team mate in field or out. In private life or when they are together, each of them also love to defend their own theories against the evidence of facts, actually if these are paradoxically and absurd, it’s more fun...There is still a distinction to do between a rugby player and a rugby man. The first one can also be good player , but during the game he gives enough to make a beautiful performance. The second can be also a bad player, but gives all himself and so you feel that you will always count on him also in life, because he is a RUGBY MAN and he is your friend.... Bubi..............................................

Bubi Farinelli"Etica di Uno Sport"


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