Golden Eternity - Beatitaly, the Roman scene

A meeting by Elettra Carella Pignatelli

During the evening Elettra Carella Pignatelli will present the work of her father Simone Carella, a pioneer of the Roman avant-garde and one of the most lively protagonists of research theater since the late sixties. Theatre director, author, performer, "gentle man and one of the main masters and reference point of several generations of theater in the capital".

During the evening, the video Poetare by the filmmaking duo Vega (Francesca Pionati and Tommaso Arnaldi) will be presented.

Participating in the evening will be:

Lisa Andreani, Eric Toccaceli, Pippo Di Marca, Lidia Riviello

free entry with greenpass

Golden Eternity - The Beat Generation between Buddhism and American values is a project by Alberto D'Amico and Bruno Lo Turco 


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