Man and Nature

WarmtHub presents Man and Nature, an exhibition by the artist Mauro Romano

WarmtHub, the artistic and cultural space wherein the lobby of the WarmtHotel in Rome becomes an exhibition area, proudly presents Man and Nature, an exhibition of paintings by the artist Mauro Romano with the sculptural collaboration of Federica Anna Molfese.

Man and Nature was conceived during the recent Lockdown - a time when the artist became aware of what surrounded him and was able to rediscover a lost harmony with nature, noticing how much the city itself limits this harmony and its expression. The relationship between Man and Nature is often a controversial one. It has always been present, but has gradually changed in character over the course of time. If we look back, we find that there was an intrinsic connection when Nature was a source of inspiration and influenced Man’s feelings. In Greek and Roman mythology, Nature is often personified along with being the ideal place where Man may live in constant commonality, or Oneness, with the gods. In modern times, this otherworldly and central contact is lost and Nature is increasingly seen purely as an object to be exploited. In these works, Mauro Romano re-proposes this ancient relationship and portrays the balance found with Nature and our connection to it, the feelings it generates, and the sensations it produces.

"My salvation during Lockdown was the area where I live. Here, I could rediscover contact with Nature. This aroused emotions in me that I was only able to explain through my paintings. Thus, I decided to bring this mystical encounter between Man and Nature to canvas.” 

The pictorial work of Mauro Romano is an amorphous material expressed through a riot of colors that inspires and overwhelms us, transporting us into a parallel reality. Romano exalts the beauty and harmony of things through a refined and original artistic language.

Federica Anna Molfese’s sculptural work completes the story of the relationship between Man and Nature. Ceramic works that have been made with everyday objects suddenly change their form and are painted and modeled to explain the relationship between human beings and Nature, which is represented by plants and flowers. Through her sculptures, the artist develops a study on this theme that will last the entire duration of the exhibit, reaching a dynamic crescendo as new sculptures are added to the originals. 


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