Francesca Mariani illustratrice Open Studio

LYMPH OF AUTUMN // open studio Francesca Mariani  


Autumn: season of passage, of breaths, of good intentions. Its leaves, its flowers, its colors, its melancholy, its hopes in poetic acrobatics between watercolors, coffee, ink. Imaginary worlds, lived realities, nature and humanity.

Limph of autumn: artworks by Francesca Mariani in a forest of mossy branches, in Campo De 'Fiori, in her atelier, open from 23 to 31 October, as part of the RAW - Rome Art Week.


Francesca Mariani, artist. She investigates the balance, the moods, the words and she translates them with mixed techniques into small illustrated universes, sweet, intense, precious, alive. Nomad, Rome is the city where she lives.

Free, obstinate, necessary, her expressiveness enchants and points to the heart.









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