Tempora Tempore Tempera

Collective of the Artists of Montemario in the Garden of Nina

Tempora Tempore Tempera, with time everything is fixed. A reassuring motto that the Collettivo degli Artsti di Monte Mario has chosen to give us. With its fourth edition opens the Garden of Nina, the event of art in the garden now awaited by many.

It will be a special exhibition where we can reflect on the qualities of distance.

It will help us first of all the temporal distance, the one with our important Roman past, reason of pride and ballast at the same time. The artists will tell their connection with classical and baroque Rome, their feeling of being responsible custodians of a thread that still has the right to unravel in new creative perspectives.

The distance will also be physical. The meter that separates us from the others will be translated into a network from which the works will be hung to form nodes of connection.

In this way we will rediscover the Garden of Nina under a large web, an invitation to evaluate distance as a space for observation, mutual support and creative challenge.



Angela ScaramussiFrancesca CantianiFrancesca CoccurelloIlaria SartiniMaurizio BentivoglioNina RazzaboniTriana Ariè


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