ARTMOSPHERE | Exhibition of Claudia Cuoco

Digital colors arranged informally on different types of plastic material

Saturday 16 October | 4 pmFax Factory presents:ARTMOSPHERE | Mostra di Claudia CuocoPROJECT | ARTMOSPHERE "My artistic work is based on the presentation of Artistic Atmospheres composed of colors arranged in an informal way on a surface both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.They are digitally made products, which I then print on different types of plastic material, from forex to plexiglass, depending on the yield and transparency that I want to give the colors.These create contrasts, starting from the most marked black to fluorescent colors, giving rise to almost psychedelic situations. Given their informal nature, they do not want to represent a well-defined subject, since the intention is that the work is experienced and observed subjectively, to allow the colors to create situations and "journeys" that vary according to one's visual and emotional perception." BIO | Claudia CuocoBorn in Naples and moved to Desio (MB) where she still lives. In 2010 she won the art contest "A poster for peace" organized by the Lions Club, getting the first place. Subsequently, he participated in several art competitions obtaining publications and awards.She exhibits in several galleries in Milan in group and personal exhibitions. In 2020 he graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera with Professor Simona Uberto.Currently his works can be found in various exhibition contexts and their dissemination is mainly through the Web, through the Instagram profile contemporaryart_mosphere, the website artmosphere and the e-commerce of the gallery Looking For Art.Among the publications: emerges on the web with "Elena Gollini Art Blogger" and in "Nuova Arte", review of artists and participants in the Art Prize 2017-2018, ed. G. Mondadori.


ARTMOSPHERE | Mostra di Claudia Cuoco




FAX FACTORY ARTS & SPECIALTY COFFEEVia Antonio Raimondi 87 – 0176 Pigneto | RomaTel. 06 6930104


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