graphic constellations 20>21

printmaking graphic exhibition

Graphic constellations is an initiative that wants to give substance to that invisible but present thread that binds lovers of engraving, printing, illustration and graphics...the exhibition is designed to give artists the opportunity to have a showcase and therefore anyone to have an artigianal print at an affordable price! Graphic constellations is also exchange! Each of the participating artists will have as a raffle gift one of the prints in exhibition, which are therefore in double copies for this occasion.

The techniques are varied: the most classic, from drypoint to etching, from woodcut to burin, to the more experimental and mixed ones such as monotype and screen printing. Equally varied are the hands more and less young and the looks vast: abstract visual artists, decorative or lovers of classical and figurative, visionary illustrators and subtle communicators of delicate emotions ... we are sure that the proposals of this heterogeneous group will amaze and excite you, so how ready we are to give and to welcome in this moment of distance, which we are preparing to shorten!

The artists involved come from various regions of Italy, but also from France, Spain, Romania, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands:

Luisa Baciarlini | Ovidiu Batista | Francesca Bellussi | Valeria Bertesina | Sergio Bigolin | Edith Brouwer | Marina Buening | Elisa Caroli | Virginia Carbonelli | Francesca Ciolfi | Alessia Consiglio | Antonella Cuzzocrea | Pietro Desirò | Susanna Doccioli | Ferdinando Esposito | Marcello Fraietta | Paula Fraile | Valeria Gasparrini | Roberto Gianinetti | Caroline Heider | Francesca Innocenzi | Eva Killer Dog | Roberto Krogh | Devin Kovach | Laura Mariano | Barbara Martini | Alice Musiol | Laura Peres | Giorgia Pilozzi | Bianca Provenzale | Irene Puglisi | Arianna Tamburini | Gianluca Tedaldi | Caterina Tedeschini | Giacomo Trivellini | Usama Saad | Francesco Sciaccaluga | Maria Semmer | Lisa Sorba | Patrizia Stracchi | Roberta Venanzi | Eva Zuberbühler

In compliance with the anti-COVID regulations in force, the inauguration will take place ONLY online live on Instagram on December 18th at 19:00 .... we are waiting for you, follow us !!!

click below!

La Stamperia Ripa 69 is open from Monday and Saturday from 11:00 to 19:00Contact us for more information,or to visit the Stamperia by appointment!

Stamperia Ripa 69via di S.Francesco a Ripa 69 00153, Roma


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