Genesis vol. 2

Galleria Vittoria presents 10 artists with the exhibition "Genesis Vol.2"

Galleria Vittoria, always committed to the promotion of new artists, proudly presents the second edition of the exhibition "Genesis" during the usual appointment with "Rome Art Week".

From October 28th "Genesis Vol.2", curated by Tiziano M. Todi will see 10 artists - Calo Battisti, Amalia Cavallaro, Roberta Di Sarra, Sonia De Rossi, DuminDa, Carlo Fiore, Daniela Foschi, Paolo Gallinaro, Huidong Kong, Stella Maria Sablone.

The project "Genesis" was born from the need of Galleria Vittoria to present those artists that were discovered in recent years, highlighting the work done with emerging artists who have distinguished themselves and who have caught the attention for the originality of their artistic path.

"Genesis" turns every time into a different exhibition that enhances the variety of styles represented and the plurality of techniques used for the realization of the artworks.Each artist, through the filter of his own sensibility, expressiveness and experience, gives life to a path that is characterized by the coexistence of different languages and styles, and by the international origin of the artworks on display.

"Genesis" wants to be an exhibition that promotes contemporary art and at the same time brings new unconventional artistic visions to Via Margutta.


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