Ten years as a painter and as a living model.

"Ten years as a painter and as a living model. Ten years as the" architect "of a work of art and the subject of inspiration and protagonist of it ..." Kristina Milakovic and Mariangela Imbrenda

Dear friends,I am pleased to announce that a great artistic project is about to see the light of day, born of coincidences, intersections, connections… and, above all, from the heart.These are two art paths in front of and behind the canvas of those who create and those who inspire as muse who will begin to travel in parallel and will also involve your experiences and works. The goal of a large number of encounters with the same model in pose is in fact aimed at rediscovering the essential value in the history of art of all eras, the central role of the Muse: a body and a face to be portrayed or to be inspired by for invent them from scratch, recovering or testing, for the first time, the necessary empathy that is established between the subject of a work and the Artist. For this reason, we have not assigned specific themes: the posing model will, precisely, be available to those present according to the sensitivity, choices and timing of the participants' work. The latter will be able to work on their project at Salotto number 7 or, later, in total autonomy, in their own studio. We reiterate that we are placing as the focus of the appointments the very high sense of a human relationship, in the purest degree of the adjective, in which the Model, the Muse, silent and posing, lives, in the dynamic becoming of the work of art in which will appear a path of "translation" from his flesh to the complexion, from his skin, to the canvas, from his skeleton to the construction lines, from his muscles, to masses and volumes, etc ... The History of Art is also composed of other That is, stories of relationships, exchanges, red threads, declared or silent thoughts between the Artist and the Muse… These are human, emotional, fundamental, indispensable and essential understandings. For this reason,from October 31st, an exhibition of drawings will be set up at the Gall'Art Roma gallery in order to enhance the practice of drawing from life, opening the doors of our living room to every technique without imposing or suggesting any limits.

Kristina MilakovicART STUDIO / GALLERYVicolo de'Bovari 7Rome (Campo de Fiori)

"Ten years as a painter and as a living model. Ten years as the" architect "of a work of art and the subject of inspiration and protagonist of it ..." Kristina Milakovic and Mariangela Imbrenda

Dear friends,I am pleased to announce that a great artistic project is about to see the light of day, born of coincidences, intersections, connections… and, above all, from the heart.These are two art paths in front of and behind the canvas of those who create and those who inspire as muse who will begin to travel in parallel and will also involve your experiences and works. The goal of a large number of encounters with the same model in pose is in fact aimed at rediscovering the essential value in the history of art of all eras, the central role of the Muse: a body and a face to be portrayed or to be inspired by for invent them from scratch, recovering or testing, for the first time, the necessary empathy that is established between the subject of a work and the Artist. For this reason, we have not assigned specific themes: the posing model will, precisely, be available to those present according to the sensitivity, choices and timing of the participants' work. The latter will be able to work on their project at Salotto number 7 or, later, in total autonomy, in their own studio. We reiterate that we are placing as the focus of the appointments the very high sense of a human relationship, in the purest degree of the adjective, in which the Model, the Muse, silent and posing, lives, in the dynamic becoming of the work of art in which will appear a path of "translation" from his flesh to the complexion, from his skin, to the canvas, from his skeleton to the construction lines, from his muscles, to masses and volumes, etc ... The History of Art is also composed of other That is, stories of relationships, exchanges, red threads, declared or silent thoughts between the Artist and the Muse… These are human, emotional, fundamental, indispensable and essential understandings. For this reason,from October 31st, an exhibition of drawings will be set up at the Gall'Art Roma gallery in order to enhance the practice of drawing from life, opening the doors of our living room to every technique without imposing or suggesting any limits.

Kristina MilakovicART STUDIO / GALL'ART ROMAVicolo de'Bovari 7Rome (Campo dè Fiori)


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