Close the Circle

sound and video installation performance

Monica Pirone and Sergio Angeli together gave life to the artistic "third language" called 4Hands, in fact since 2018 the two Roman artists have nourished their creature with different projects and exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

For this edition of Rome Art Week they have decided to open the Officinenove studio / gallery inviting the public to admire the works of two artists who become three languages, on this occasion the musician / composer Grumvalski will be involved who will be the protagonist with a sound performance in collaboration with Monica Pirone who will create video installations inspired by the composer's music in progress.

Grumvalski is Luca Cartolano's alter ego.

After years of playing in different bands, devoted to electricity and especially to the study of noise with the six strings, in 2016 he decides to embark on a solitary journey to be able to experiment and refine his idea of ​​sound performance, based on improvisation. and sometimes improper use of the guitar, pedals and various scrap metal.

But also compositions for electric guitar alone, true sonic journeys between notes and dissonances.

Noise becomes a guide, an impervious path for an inner journey, each time unpredictable, aimed at reaching calm after the storm



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