L'anima non cresce più

Guido Pecci

Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 6pm will be inaugurated at Galleria La Nica the exhibition "L'anima non cresce più", a solo show by the artist Guido Pecci, which will take part in the sixth edition of Rome Art Week, the week of contemporary art in Rome.

The title of the exhibition "L'anima non cresce più" ("The Soul Doesn't Grow Anymore"), a line quoted by the artist in one of the artworks displayed, takes up a line from the poem "Il pianto della scavatrice" written by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1957 and contained in "Le Ceneri di Gramsci", one of the most beautiful collections of the Italian twentieth century.

In this meaningfull verse is enclosed the reading key of the entire cycle of new artworks that want to investigate the relationship between word and pictorial sign, poetry and painting, starting from the figure of Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Guido Pecci (1975), born in Alatri but Roman by adoption, has always placed at the center of his artistic research the sign, the word, memory, the body; these elements borrowed from his previous work allow the artist to mature in "L'anima non cresce più" new instances and to arrive at new solutions.

To be considered as a self-contained cycle, the 17 unpublished artworks that make up the exhibition represent a narration sedimented for a long time with deliberately fragmented outcome, the result of a continuous mnemonic movement. On the pictorial surface emerge from the depths, often as black as pitch, words and images, traces, testimonies that both confuse and merge Pasolini's life with that of Guido Pecci. As in an arena of overlays and stratifications, in the space-frame of the artist there is actually a dense dialogue between himself and the other self, in the spasmodic search for a poetic dimension in which the positions of man and artist could coincide.


"L'anima non cresce più", curated by Cristina Liscaio and Maria Vittoria Marchetta, will be available from October 21 to November 14, 2021. The catalog will be published by Grafiche Turato.

The opening of Thursday, October 21, 2021 will be held in compliance with the current rules regarding the emergency COVID-19.


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