Augmented Art - Artematiko

Illustrations in augmented reality - Exhibition

Vernissage of illustrations on canvas by Artematiko. Each work hides a musical soul in motion, which you can discover simply using your Smartphone or Tablet.

What is Augmented Reality?It is a technology with which it is possible to represent an altered and not perceptible reality thanks to our senses, but only thanks to electronic devices such as special viewers. In this case, a smartphone or tablet and the free Artivive App are enough.

The exhibitionThe works on display, seven splendid illustrations on canvas, were painted with digital techniques.The common thread is Rome as it has never been seen before: urban and architectural details that the artist manages to make dance under the astonished eyes of the viewer, thanks to the use of Augmented Reality.

The dome of San Pietro becomes a clockwork mechanism.The Sampietrini, the place where a seed chooses to grow, spread energy and turn into a flower. The Capitol that hides the dashboard of a spaceship for a journey among the stars. Other places you will discover during the exhibition.A small show for each work to which we STRONGLY RECOMMEND to attend with HEADPHONES or EARPHONES.

Just download the Artivive app for free, available for all smartphones or tablets.

About Artematiko:He is a craftsman and art researcher.He has always worked with images, drawings, illustrations, traditional and digital painting and various materials for the construction of sets or art objects.Thanks to his multifaceted personality and the numerous interests of him he has acquired various professional experiences and skills, which he exploits both in the artistic field, in videomaking or for the realization of craft operations.

He only started exhibiting in 2018 and his works have also been exhibited at the Bright Festival in Florence and at the MACRO in Rome.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE--------------------------Access from 6pm to 9pm.Together is located in Viale Glorioso 14, in an apartment on the first floor. Buzz "TOGETHER". FREE ADMISSION


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