Salon d'Automne 2021

Vernissage Galleria Barattolo

Salon d'Automne is part of a series of exhibitions that the Barattolo Gallery has been offering for some years in the magnificent setting of Together in Trastevere. An exhibition continuum on a seasonal basis and which exhibits the artists of its own stable.

A name that recalls a beautiful precise period of aesthetic break in the history of art of the early 1900s, as a symbol of the work that Vincenzo Bordoni carries on with his idea of ​​the Gallery.

The new Vernissage coincides with the Rome Art Week, Thursday 28 October from 18.00. On display, curated by Maddalena Petruzzo, Chiara Ciocchetti, Angela Perillo and Eleonora Turli, there will be the artists Davide Berrettini, Gabriele La Teana and Vincenzo Portuese, Biagio Capparelli, the new works by Luigi Mallozzi, Giancarlo Scarpati and many others.


--------------------------Access from 6pm to 9pm.Together is located in Viale Glorioso 14, in an apartment on the first floor. Buzz "TOGETHER". FREE ADMISSION


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