Converging visions: a meeting between photography, painting and sculpture. Ilaria Di Giustili and Osvaldo Tiberti

Let's take the case of a photographer and a sculptor/painter/goldsmith who met thanks to Rome Art Week: over the years they talk, compare, until the idea of ​​creating a project shared in subjects and contents is born, bringing photography and painting back to three dimensions, bringing sculpture and jewelery back to two dimensions.

All this is possible because for years Ilaria Di Giustili has been collecting architectural and sculptural shots for her personal visual research, creating abstract images which in turn could be something other than the original subject. At the same time, for years, Osvaldo Tiberti has been experimenting with the permeability and interchange between artistic techniques, with a clear homage to the Bauhaus, his declared reference. Sculptural architecture, habitable jewels, designed through drawings and paintings which in turn have artistic autonomy: each work has its own independent identity, which however is ready to dialogue with all the others and even with the words of the titles.

It takes trust and curiosity to entrust your work to the vision of another person, but this is exactly the spirit of this exhibition, to challenge and accompany each other until we identify the converging visions of the title.

Over the course of several months, Ilaria Di Giustili began to look at familiar places with new eyes, realizing that they contain the stylistic and formal essence of some of Osvaldo Tiberti's sculpture-jewels, while he found his own forms in her shots, amplifying them with painting or translating them into completely new architectural sculptures, different from what they were at the start.

In a cheerful and anarchic game of references, the combination highlights how the synergy between photography, painting and sculpture can give life to unexpected works of art: thus the print dialogues with the metal, the photography on canvas becomes the support for new paintings, the forged frames a projection of the two-dimensional surface into space.

What comes out of it is not a two-person show with different artists in comparison, but a real four-handed exhibition in which the ideas of both coexist in unpublished works. Plus the fun of showing, in some cases, the originals alongside the parts of these curious interpolations, with a fascinating and surprising result for both the authors and the spectators.

All this will be visible at Ilaria Di Giustili's studio in one of her now very popular instant exhibitions, one-day events at the Giardino Segreto Gallery Rome - Via Gregorio XI, 122, on 26 October 2024 from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm FREE ENTRY

Text by Penelope Filacchione


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