yoHUMANA: a multisensory experience on creativity and perception

Imagine attending an exhibition with your eyes closed and no knowledge of the artist, where the main focus is YOU and what makes you-human.

Event Overview

In the first part of the event, participants will engage in art-therapeutic and holistic activities, diving into a profound creative process. Using TuSai's mindfulness exercises, attendees will connect with their skills and develop both soft and hard skills. The second phase will focus on sharing and interacting with the group, fostering effective communication, empathy, and valuable networking. Only in the final phase will the artworks and artists be revealed, sharing the stories behind each piece. This will lead to an open debate and exchange among all participants, regardless of their roles, including artists, curators, and the audience. It will be a true mix of shared insights, visions, and extrasensory perceptions, helping everyone discover and connect with what they "know" (hence the name of the organization, TuSai).

What to expect?

An immersive exhibition where the main focus is you and your emotions, with art as a vehicle and "mantra" to go beyond and find resources and inspiration to see the world from a different perspective. A multisensory activity that promotes empathy, people empowerment, and awareness of your abilities (artistic and otherwise) in a non-conventional way. A new way of experiencing art, innovative, mindful, and profoundly human.


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