WarmtHub, the cultural artistic space where the lobby of the Warmthotel in Rome is used as an exhibition area, presents "3C, CIELI-CROMIE-CONCETTI" (SKIES-COLORS-CONCEPTS)" an art exhibit by Creola Carla Cristofari. It will be available at the Warmthotel located at via Giuseppe Prezzolini, 5 - 00143 Rome EUR every day from 10am to 10pm until 31 October 2024.

Acrylic colors mixed with structural paste and oil colors are placed and overlaid on the canvas through the use of spatulas to give shape to the emotions of an artist in continuous search for beauty who has made the spatula her best friend!

We asked the artist Creola Carla Cristofari to explain her exhibition "3C, CIELI-CROMIE-CONCETTI":

“My artistic path has always been linked to the letter C: my initials are three C’s, C is a letter that has always recalled art from Colors to Compositions, and 3 are my main spatula styles.

This exhibition aims to be a summary of my journey through contemporary art (another C!), from the skies that inspired my first works to the more conceptual works, all united by the search for new colors and shades, captured on the canvas using different styles of spatulas and paste materials.

Chromatic harmony and three-dimensionality are distinctive factors of my art which seeks to communicate in a very direct way with the observer - trying to inspire pure emotions. I wish to impress emotions with my spatula on the canvas - the complete opposite to cold reasoning.

The different spatula techniques are accompanied by the various materials that I use, often combined, to give further depth to my works, creating a sort of fourth dimension in which the observer can find new concepts and complexities with which to give free range to their own thoughts and fantasies.”


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