We shall all meet up there I CONSTELLATIONS* Intercultural dialogue I Elective

I wished to explore other dimensions and to discover artists who, regardless of their worldly characteristics, could talk to each other, in a new time-space logic and configuration, a kind of imaginary constellation, beyond schemes, rational criteria, maps, limits and “isms”, Sara Corti Jayasuriya

 Navigating following only the instinct and the heart, without knowing each other…

 A variable geometry project, constantly in progress.

That necessary intersection I between hearts and stars.


The sky, the universe and infinity.

Pascal Konan, Ajantha Duminda jayasuriya, “DuminDa”, Angelo Raffaele Marturano, Corrado Veneziano, Massimo Polello e Fabrizio Di Nardo are cultivated artists, since thy can claim a broad academic background, marked by numerous philosophical-mystic references.

They are also artists, who do not back up in front of the variety of styles and of the many expressive options, which art does permit.


The know perfectly well that the eyes of art are able to go beyond the borders of the déjà vu and of what is possible, and they do play- each one according to his sensibility – with shadows and solid bodies, soft colors, just suggested, fragile, very light ones and bright dark and well-defined consistencies: resolute, overwhelming, audacious.

Pascal Konan, interpreter of a refined Re-naissance, presents “Bodies floating in Space”, in a vortex of both gracefulness and vital strength, human silhouettes looking for an answer. In other artworks, with modern and / or ancestral notes, the symbol universal cosmopolitism stands up, moving between details and long shots, darkness and bursts of light, stability, and the playful pleasure to plunge into space, with a perfect chromatic balance.

DuminDa cuts and smooths, reshapes, and softens his sculptures. It’s a full contact which generates faces of men and women, plants, animals, and artifacts, bringing back their essence and purity: the spiritual dimension is always present in this sculptor.

A visual poet, he creates spontaneously, beyond any scheme or preestablished system, following only his instinct, the beat marked by his interior music, the inspiration of the moment, his moods, to share a magic moment, a gift of the spirit, a meditation mantra.

Angelo Raffaele Marturano recaptures the Re-naissance pictorial line, strengthen it with contemporary nuances, with shapes, which overflow and wrap us up, conveying original visual and scenographic stimuli and new perspectives.

His work, both classic and modern, between the architectural detail and free reassembling, creates a new syntax of signs, styles and artistic demarches, inspired by both a philosophical and cultural preoccupation.

Corrado Veneziano is the artist of the non-places, contemporary commercial brands, icons, and logos, which he analyzed and reinterpreted to reveal their very soul: nothing thrown on earth (or thrown upwards) can possibly escape gentleness and spirituality.

Veneziano is also involved in a dialogue with artist and scientists of the past, from Dante Alighieri to Leonardo da Vinci, and others. Also in this case, he puts togethers bar and morse codes, technological algorhythms and written alphabets: the universe of the possible languages.

Massimo Polello, the calligrapher, is the Master of an art, far from being a minor one. Overwhelming, amazing, and magic. Live performances, installations, and projections. He interacts with different backgrounds and surfaces: canvasses, paper, screens, façades. The beauty of the sign, of the improvised and cultivated creation. The story becomes indelible, like his inks. A vortex of precious, generous, and fascinating letters.

Fabrizio Di Nardo’s alchemical language, as dry and as essentials as a chemical formula, conveys extraordinary strong feelings. His artworks are pictorial and tridimensional at the same time. His overwhelming energy, a captivating one, envelops the viewer, mesmerized by the magic of his creations, with an unstoppable flow of emotions.

Six visual artists, proud and authentic in their expressive work, all wishing to follow their own individual path, all of them certain that a common goal*, in that precise point, where hearts and stars do cross each other, somehow will be reached.

Just look, look at them, listen, listen to them.

One can't talk only about painting, calligraphy and sculpting, music, movement and voices are also present in these artworks: intertwined, nourishing each other in the process.

Daniela Cavallini, actress and magic storyteller of many truths, poems, and quotations, is “The Voice”, Michele Mazzetti di Pietralata, a talented pianist and composer, has been asked to create the project’s soundtrack.

 *a pamphlet, a manifesto, an itinerant festival… 



Image not present
Angelo Marturano
Corrado Veneziano
Corrado Veneziano
Image not present
Konan Pascal
Image not present
Massimo Polello

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