Franco Marzilli | La serenità della luce

Tribute exhibition to the artist Franco Marzilli

On Thursday 27 October, as part of the seventh edition of Rome Art Week, the Edarcom Europa gallery inaugurates an exhibition of works by Franco Marzilli entitled "The serenity of light", curated by Francesco Ciaffi and Alice Crisponi. The homage to this important exponent of Roman painting of the second half of the twentieth century takes place two years later than the anniversary of the tenth anniversary of his death in 2010.

Franco Marzilli has often been defined as an innovative artist but closely anchored to traditional means. In fact, his painting reveals a wise use of the pictorial and compositional techniques of yesteryear, renewed by a transversal vision of any pre-existing visual canon. Of certain inspiration was the Roman School, of which he mentions the warm tonal chords; by Cèzanne recalls the almost obsessive analysis of the subjects portrayed, as if to investigate every nuance of the soul; but, most of all, he was associated with Morandi, of whom he would seem to recall the expressionism punished in nostalgia, solemn and silent compositions and solitude. Bizarre is the fact that Marzilli himself declared in the search for him a provenance not so much from the Bolognese Master but rather from Piero della Francesca.

Well, the female figures, the compositions of flowers and fruits, the green countryside of his Sabina are investigated with respect to a sui generis metaphysics, strongly imbued with emotion. No underlying social denunciation, no existential drama alluded to, only the will to portray the phenomenal reality that one finds before with "a slight figural rarefaction". The subject becomes iconized by losing its individual connotations, not at the expense of a, however guaranteed, recognizability. The sinuosity of a dancer at rest and her interacting with the surrounding space is idealized and investigated like a fruit composition. However, he does not indulge in the mere exteriority of the portrayed subject, nor does he reduce it to a virtuosic pictorial exercise: the full-bodied materiality (obtained from the skilful manual dosage of earths and oils spread on the prepared plaster support) and the warm palette of colors, become bearers of an intimate lyrical transport and of a strongly emotional synthesis that the artist implements on perception.

The important nucleus of about 30 works, representative of the production of the nineties and early 2000s, will be exhibited in the gallery until November 19.


EXHIBITION: Franco Marzilli | The serenity of light

PERIOD: 27 October - 19 November 2022

ADDRESS: Via Macedonia 12, Rome (San Giovanni - Appio Latino)

OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION: Friday 27 October at 17:00

SHOW HOURS: from Monday to Saturday 10: 30/13: 00 and 15: 30/19: 30

EXHIBITION ENTRANCE: Free in compliance with current hygiene and safety regulations.

INFO: 06.7802620 -


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